The Gene Genie
The Mask of Romek
Introduction: The background to this scenario is simple, two warring races who share a planet are coming together to sign a peace treaty. They bring with them religious totems of their individual faiths as a mark of respect. Unknown to either party this will cause major issues and endanger not only the peace process but the crew also.
Although this is not intended to be a combat mission there will be some opportunity for combat. I have not included stats for the alien races. I urge you to use stats levels appropriate for your individual players, likewise with the alien vessels.
This is a short adventure and should run in a short session. It is ideal as a filler or a reprieve between major events.
Captains Log 5448.3: We are currently enroute to the Galan System to host the signing of a historic treaty between the indigenous races of Galan Prime. The reptilian E’Zin and the avian Mutallan peoples populate separate continents of this world. Their history is punctuated with bloody warfare each side claiming dominance over the other. Both sides believe they have a historical claim to Galan Prime and insist that the other are interlopers who populated the world after the other civilisation had been established. These differences were put aside fifty years ago when forward thinking leaders on both sides agreed to divert resources from building weapons to exploration and research. As a result of this a joint space program was initiated which resulted in the discovery of warp travel. First contact was made thirty years ago and the system flourished, petitioning the Federation for membership. Before they were admitted however, old rivalries resurfaced, treaties were broken and the world degenerated in to conflict once more.
Over the last eighteen months Federation ambassadors have brokered a treaty with both sides agreeing to meet on the neutral ground of a Federation Starship.
Suitable quarters have been prepared aboard the Lexington for our guests to accommodate their religious observances, the conference room has been tastefully decorated in the flags of both races and the galley has been briefed on local delicacies to serve at the function prior to the signing.
Hopefully with the assistance of Ambassador Byron the signing will proceed without incident.
Scene One:
The command staff will be decked out in their best dress uniforms and required to parade at the transporter room. The Ambassador will lecture the captain and crew at great length of the importance of this mission and the horrendous consequences of failure.
The E’Zin delegation are the first to beam aboard, Chancellor Jorris and his four diplomats are joined by the head of the E’Zin church Prelate Iska who, along with his four acolytes bring aboard a beautifully engraved wood and silver casket about a metre square which houses the Re’Kah a holy relic. Iska will be happy to answer questions about it and to provide detail as to how it fits into the E’Zin belief system. The Re’Kah when displayed is a flat featureless ebony coloured disc nearly a metre in diameter. At a casual glance it resembles a large black serving platter.
Secretary Kodum and the Mutallan delegation of four diplomats arrive a short time later accompanied by Deacon Aegon of the Mutallan Religious Order and four monks who bring with them a large object covered by an ornate orange shroud. This is the Li’Khra, a slim featureless ebony shape about a metre and a half in height. It resembles a grandfather clock in shape and size.
Both items are held in profound reverence by their respective faiths.
The Re’Kah is the central icon of the E’Zin faith which teaches that they are the “Chosen” people the Re’Kah being a token bestowed upon them by Kah the Wise from whose egg all the “Chosen” come from. The Re’Kah calls the faithful to prayer by illuminating symbols across its surface twice throughout the twenty six hour Galan day. The meaning of those symbols has been lost to the ages as has the true origin of the Re’Kah itself. Although Jorris is happy to allow the Lexington command staff to view the Re’Kah he will not tolerate a scientific examination.
As a gift to their Federation hosts Chancellor Jorris will make the “humble” offering of a statue (about 30 cm tall and made of an indigenous rock) of a Galan mythical creature found during an archaeological dig on the Northern continent. Needless to say immediate scientific examination of this priceless work of art would be an intolerable insult.
The L’Khra is likewise at the centre of the Mutallan faith. The Mutallan believe that they hatchlings of the egg of the Great Koh who on giving birth to the Mutallan race handed them the L’Khra so that they may one day be worthy of the wisdom contained therein. Unlike the Re’Kah the L’Khra is inert and doesn’t display any symbols. Like the E’Zin the Mutallan will not even consider a scientific examination of the artefact.
Not to be out done by the E’Zin Secretary Kodum will honour his hosts with the offer of a beautiful ornate vessel(again about 30 cm tall and decorated with mythical creatures) found during an excavation on the Southern continent. The vessel is sealed and made of a jade like substance found on Galan Prime.
The artefacts will be kept secure in the quarters of the respective factions. They will both be guarded by pairs of ceremonial sentries with very large and imposing bladed weapons.
The gifts are of course property of the Federation and not personal trinkets of the Captain. Ambassador Byron will take immediate possession of them.
Scene Two:
Once both parties are aboard Ambassador Byron will host a function aboard the Lexington essentially as an ice breaker. This is when the petty bickering will start. Both delegations will claim the other is bribing the Federation for preferential treatment, better quarters etc. The players will have ample opportunity to flex their diplomacy skills here. The Ambassador cannot be everywhere after all.
It will be apparent to the players present at the function that the religious leaders of both sides are not happy with the peace process and seem keen to find fault and to escalate tensions. If spoken to discretely both Chancellor and Secretary Kodum will bemoan the presence of their respective spiritual leaders.
This will be followed by a tour of the ship which is sure to make the players nervous. If the Captain decides to restrict the tour to “safe” areas and avoid the tactical systems this will spark another round of arguments between the delegates. The senior diplomats will be politely interested in the ship’s capabilities but the religious leaders will be eager to ask about the Federation sharing weapons technology to protect their respective factions against “heathen” aggression.
About this time the bridge will report inexplicable communication issues. This will have occurred shortly after the E’Zin’s first prayer aboard ship.
The delegates will eventually notice the loss of comms and the accusations will fly. Deacon Aegon will point to the prayer time of the E’Zin as an indication of their culpability in the “sabotage”. Prelate Iska will retaliate in kind citing various atrocities carried out by the Mutallan during religious festivals over the last several hundred years.
If diplomacy prevails they will retire to their quarters to relax and prepare for the treaty signing tomorrow.
Scene Three:
Overnight the comms issue cannot be resolved and the issue spreads to the Lexington’s computer systems.
Within minutes computer control is lost compromising engines, weapons, life support and worst of all warp core containment. As quickly as one system is recovered another fails. The crew are forced to utilise hand held devices. The comms issue fortunately does not seem to affect the personal communicators although their range seems to be limited to within the ship itself. A successful Reason+ Engineering or Reason+ Science at Difficulty 4 will diagnose the issue as an energy field being generated somewhere either aboard or adjacent to the Lexington. The energy is of a type not encountered before and no countermeasure will be effective.
The subsequent computer issues require a Reason+ Engineering roll against a difficulty of 2 to diagnose the problem as an alien virus of unknown origin. Players will try various inventive solutions, encourage them to do so at whatever difficulty you see fit however every solution will only fix one separate system and success will compromise another system. For example, should they decide to burn determination to force a success to repair the communication network, the antenna system will short out. Solving that issue will cause random catastrophic failures throughout the ship. Feel free to use the ships combat damage tables to choose. They will eventually realise that no matter what they try they are losing control of them ship. The priority of the warp core containment can be solved without ejecting the core (the ejection system is off line anyway). By making a Reason+ Engineering roll against difficulty 3 they can perform an emergency shutdown of the core. This will leave the ship on impulse power and batteries only. Systems will still have power with the obvious exception of the warp drive.
Further to this the shuttlecraft if activated in an attempt to launch will also fall prey to the virus, their on board systems locked into a permanent diagnostic loop and unable to fly or utilise the communication systems.
The transporters are also unavailable due to the lack of computer targeting. Anyone fool enough to undergo a transport that the operator has to “eyeball” will find themselves reduced to chunky salsa on the transporter pad.
During the investigation into the ships system issues a variety of alien symbols will be briefly seen running across computer screens. Translation will be tricky but a Reason+ Science roll of difficulty 2 will reveal that the words “Search”, “Connecting” and “Operational” are discernable amongst the text. The dialect however will be elusive. It will bear the hallmarks of several languages from across the Quadrant.
As is things weren’t desperate enough after a few hours the bridge crew will be able to detect (visually of course unless the sensors are operating at the time) two sub warp vessels launched from the surface to investigate the loss of comms and the apparent abduction of their delegates and holy relics. These vessels are both armed with missiles and primitive energy weapons. Primitive, but enough to destroy a crippled Lexington.
For dramatic effect you may wish the handheld communicators to be able to receive the threatening transmissions from both vessels but any response will not be heard. Some clever soul will no doubt wish to try Morse code using the Lexington’s navigation lights but Morse never really caught on in the Galan system.
Should anyone think to consult the delegates on Galan naval tradition they will both answer that ships in distress customarily flash their navigation lights in bursts of three flashes until they receive three flashes in return. This could prevent the sub warp vessels opening fire.
Scene Four:
The E’Zin and Mutallan ships will hurl insults back and forth with the Lexington’s crew unable to intervene. The vessels may also lock weapons on each other and vie for a better position for a pre-emptive strike.
One or both vessels may choose to attempt to dock with the Lexington in order to send on boarding parties. (Neither race has transporter technology.) Once docked the boarding parties will storm the ship, each side attempting to seize the bridge and rescue their delegates. Consider each alien crewman to have the equivalent of a phase pistol in their possession.
The arrival of armed troops is a game changer, both Prelate Iska and Deacon Aegon will now be able to force their way to a solution rather than negotiate. They will both call on the troops to rally to the banner of their faith and defend it from the alien invaders be they E’Zin, Mutallan or Starfleet.
Unless the players can persuade them otherwise a fire fight will erupt on board, each hell bent on escaping the ship via the respective docked vessels and taking the artefacts with them. Should the diplomats try to intercede they will be shot at.
About this time the players will notice that the artefacts are both displaying symbols across their surface. Any attempt to remove them from the ship will result in the bulkhead doors being sealed and force fields being erected.
Should the players persuade the delegates to allow them to examine the Re’Kah and The L’Khra they will discover after a Reason+ Science roll against a difficulty of 2 that they are communicating with each other via an unidentifiable energy type and are in fact the source of the ships problems.
If the artefacts are placed together the symbols will briefly quicken then slow to a regular pulse. At this point a holographic figure will be projected from the Re’Kah.
The figure will appear to shift its form rapidly apparently running through a catalogue of races some familiar some not. A Reason+ Science roll of difficulty 1 will identify some of the races as long since extinct. It will eventually settle on a humanoid form of an elderly male dressed in a simple white robe and continue this selection process with a bewildering variety of spoken languages. A Reason+ Science or Communications roll against a difficulty of 1 will recognise some but not all of the languages. Some of which are spoken in an arcane form.
The figure will eventually speak.
“My friends forgive my appearance. I have chosen that which you will find least threatening and a language from your data banks. You may call me Kir as I am merely a representation of him as he passed many years ago. I understand you must have questions. Please ask them and I will answer what I can.”
Scene Five:
Kir is the digital avatar of an Iconian scientist who visited the Galan system over 200,000 years ago.
He will be able to explain the true function of the Re’Kah and the L’Khra. They are of course scientific devices of Iconian origin used for the study of the indigenous race of the Galan system. Within the L’Khra resides terabytes of data on genetic research of the Galan people and the genetic weapon which nearly eradicated them.
Kir will explain that during the height of the Iconian empire, Galan Prime was a trading post. The Iconians often traded with the Galan civilisation despite their simple agrarian lifestyle and lower level of technological sophistication. It was during this time that the outpost was attacked by an enemy of the Iconian empire who dropped a biogenic weapon, poisoning the atmosphere. The effects of which the Iconians were able to protect themselves against but the native Galan civilisation could not.
An Iconian scientist named Kir worked tirelessly to find a solution to the disaster that was threatening the population. His solution was as unusual as it was brilliant. He found a way to rewrite the genetic code of the Galans to render the biogenic weapon ineffective. His solution however had an unexpected side effect, it created two diverse races from the native Galans. The E’Zin and the Mutallan.
Over the centuries both races grew to distrust and despise each other, forgetting their common ancestry. In fact the gifts brought aboard by the delegates date from that time and the “mythical” creatures depicted are actually the original form of the indigenous Galan race.
After the fall of the Iconian Empire their presence faded from into legend, their saviour Kir became the father of both races under different names. The remaining Iconian technology became objects of worship, their true function forgotten.
The Re’Kah continued to carry out a search for another piece of Iconian technology to network with twice a day for thousands of years until coming in range of the L’Khra aboard the Lexington. Once communication was established the newly established Iconian network took steps to assimilate the primitive Federation technology to protect the fledging AI as it re-established itself.
This will be the last straw for Iska and Aegon who will decry this blatant sacrilege order their followers to arms and attempt to foment some kind of uprising amongst the troops present. One or both will arm himself and fire at the artefacts in order to preserve the status quo. It’s at the GMs discretion how many take part. During the fighting both Iska and Aegon will also try and murder the opposing diplomats thus derailing the peace treaty permanently.
Hopefully the players will overcome the zealots either by force of arms or by diplomacy. This moment is an ideal opportunity for a “Kirkesque” impassioned speech should any players wish to ham it up.
The religious leaders will be taken into custody pending a trial on the planet for attempting a religious coup d’état. Given these revelation regarding their true origins the two diplomats will be more than willing to sit around the table once more. No doubt wondering how to break the news to their peoples. Ambassador Byron will of course offer to remain and provide the assistance of the Federation.
The Mask of Romek
Introduction: The background to this scenario is simple, two warring races who share a planet are coming together to sign a peace treaty. They bring with them religious totems of their individual faiths as a mark of respect. Unknown to either party this will cause major issues and endanger not only the peace process but the crew also.
Although this is not intended to be a combat mission there will be some opportunity for combat. I have not included stats for the alien races. I urge you to use stats levels appropriate for your individual players, likewise with the alien vessels.
This is a short adventure and should run in a short session. It is ideal as a filler or a reprieve between major events.
Captains Log 5448.3: We are currently enroute to the Galan System to host the signing of a historic treaty between the indigenous races of Galan Prime. The reptilian E’Zin and the avian Mutallan peoples populate separate continents of this world. Their history is punctuated with bloody warfare each side claiming dominance over the other. Both sides believe they have a historical claim to Galan Prime and insist that the other are interlopers who populated the world after the other civilisation had been established. These differences were put aside fifty years ago when forward thinking leaders on both sides agreed to divert resources from building weapons to exploration and research. As a result of this a joint space program was initiated which resulted in the discovery of warp travel. First contact was made thirty years ago and the system flourished, petitioning the Federation for membership. Before they were admitted however, old rivalries resurfaced, treaties were broken and the world degenerated in to conflict once more.
Over the last eighteen months Federation ambassadors have brokered a treaty with both sides agreeing to meet on the neutral ground of a Federation Starship.
Suitable quarters have been prepared aboard the Lexington for our guests to accommodate their religious observances, the conference room has been tastefully decorated in the flags of both races and the galley has been briefed on local delicacies to serve at the function prior to the signing.
Hopefully with the assistance of Ambassador Byron the signing will proceed without incident.
Scene One:
The command staff will be decked out in their best dress uniforms and required to parade at the transporter room. The Ambassador will lecture the captain and crew at great length of the importance of this mission and the horrendous consequences of failure.
The E’Zin delegation are the first to beam aboard, Chancellor Jorris and his four diplomats are joined by the head of the E’Zin church Prelate Iska who, along with his four acolytes bring aboard a beautifully engraved wood and silver casket about a metre square which houses the Re’Kah a holy relic. Iska will be happy to answer questions about it and to provide detail as to how it fits into the E’Zin belief system. The Re’Kah when displayed is a flat featureless ebony coloured disc nearly a metre in diameter. At a casual glance it resembles a large black serving platter.
Secretary Kodum and the Mutallan delegation of four diplomats arrive a short time later accompanied by Deacon Aegon of the Mutallan Religious Order and four monks who bring with them a large object covered by an ornate orange shroud. This is the Li’Khra, a slim featureless ebony shape about a metre and a half in height. It resembles a grandfather clock in shape and size.
Both items are held in profound reverence by their respective faiths.
The Re’Kah is the central icon of the E’Zin faith which teaches that they are the “Chosen” people the Re’Kah being a token bestowed upon them by Kah the Wise from whose egg all the “Chosen” come from. The Re’Kah calls the faithful to prayer by illuminating symbols across its surface twice throughout the twenty six hour Galan day. The meaning of those symbols has been lost to the ages as has the true origin of the Re’Kah itself. Although Jorris is happy to allow the Lexington command staff to view the Re’Kah he will not tolerate a scientific examination.
As a gift to their Federation hosts Chancellor Jorris will make the “humble” offering of a statue (about 30 cm tall and made of an indigenous rock) of a Galan mythical creature found during an archaeological dig on the Northern continent. Needless to say immediate scientific examination of this priceless work of art would be an intolerable insult.
The L’Khra is likewise at the centre of the Mutallan faith. The Mutallan believe that they hatchlings of the egg of the Great Koh who on giving birth to the Mutallan race handed them the L’Khra so that they may one day be worthy of the wisdom contained therein. Unlike the Re’Kah the L’Khra is inert and doesn’t display any symbols. Like the E’Zin the Mutallan will not even consider a scientific examination of the artefact.
Not to be out done by the E’Zin Secretary Kodum will honour his hosts with the offer of a beautiful ornate vessel(again about 30 cm tall and decorated with mythical creatures) found during an excavation on the Southern continent. The vessel is sealed and made of a jade like substance found on Galan Prime.
The artefacts will be kept secure in the quarters of the respective factions. They will both be guarded by pairs of ceremonial sentries with very large and imposing bladed weapons.
The gifts are of course property of the Federation and not personal trinkets of the Captain. Ambassador Byron will take immediate possession of them.
Scene Two:
Once both parties are aboard Ambassador Byron will host a function aboard the Lexington essentially as an ice breaker. This is when the petty bickering will start. Both delegations will claim the other is bribing the Federation for preferential treatment, better quarters etc. The players will have ample opportunity to flex their diplomacy skills here. The Ambassador cannot be everywhere after all.
It will be apparent to the players present at the function that the religious leaders of both sides are not happy with the peace process and seem keen to find fault and to escalate tensions. If spoken to discretely both Chancellor and Secretary Kodum will bemoan the presence of their respective spiritual leaders.
This will be followed by a tour of the ship which is sure to make the players nervous. If the Captain decides to restrict the tour to “safe” areas and avoid the tactical systems this will spark another round of arguments between the delegates. The senior diplomats will be politely interested in the ship’s capabilities but the religious leaders will be eager to ask about the Federation sharing weapons technology to protect their respective factions against “heathen” aggression.
About this time the bridge will report inexplicable communication issues. This will have occurred shortly after the E’Zin’s first prayer aboard ship.
The delegates will eventually notice the loss of comms and the accusations will fly. Deacon Aegon will point to the prayer time of the E’Zin as an indication of their culpability in the “sabotage”. Prelate Iska will retaliate in kind citing various atrocities carried out by the Mutallan during religious festivals over the last several hundred years.
If diplomacy prevails they will retire to their quarters to relax and prepare for the treaty signing tomorrow.
Scene Three:
Overnight the comms issue cannot be resolved and the issue spreads to the Lexington’s computer systems.
Within minutes computer control is lost compromising engines, weapons, life support and worst of all warp core containment. As quickly as one system is recovered another fails. The crew are forced to utilise hand held devices. The comms issue fortunately does not seem to affect the personal communicators although their range seems to be limited to within the ship itself. A successful Reason+ Engineering or Reason+ Science at Difficulty 4 will diagnose the issue as an energy field being generated somewhere either aboard or adjacent to the Lexington. The energy is of a type not encountered before and no countermeasure will be effective.
The subsequent computer issues require a Reason+ Engineering roll against a difficulty of 2 to diagnose the problem as an alien virus of unknown origin. Players will try various inventive solutions, encourage them to do so at whatever difficulty you see fit however every solution will only fix one separate system and success will compromise another system. For example, should they decide to burn determination to force a success to repair the communication network, the antenna system will short out. Solving that issue will cause random catastrophic failures throughout the ship. Feel free to use the ships combat damage tables to choose. They will eventually realise that no matter what they try they are losing control of them ship. The priority of the warp core containment can be solved without ejecting the core (the ejection system is off line anyway). By making a Reason+ Engineering roll against difficulty 3 they can perform an emergency shutdown of the core. This will leave the ship on impulse power and batteries only. Systems will still have power with the obvious exception of the warp drive.
Further to this the shuttlecraft if activated in an attempt to launch will also fall prey to the virus, their on board systems locked into a permanent diagnostic loop and unable to fly or utilise the communication systems.
The transporters are also unavailable due to the lack of computer targeting. Anyone fool enough to undergo a transport that the operator has to “eyeball” will find themselves reduced to chunky salsa on the transporter pad.
During the investigation into the ships system issues a variety of alien symbols will be briefly seen running across computer screens. Translation will be tricky but a Reason+ Science roll of difficulty 2 will reveal that the words “Search”, “Connecting” and “Operational” are discernable amongst the text. The dialect however will be elusive. It will bear the hallmarks of several languages from across the Quadrant.
As is things weren’t desperate enough after a few hours the bridge crew will be able to detect (visually of course unless the sensors are operating at the time) two sub warp vessels launched from the surface to investigate the loss of comms and the apparent abduction of their delegates and holy relics. These vessels are both armed with missiles and primitive energy weapons. Primitive, but enough to destroy a crippled Lexington.
For dramatic effect you may wish the handheld communicators to be able to receive the threatening transmissions from both vessels but any response will not be heard. Some clever soul will no doubt wish to try Morse code using the Lexington’s navigation lights but Morse never really caught on in the Galan system.
Should anyone think to consult the delegates on Galan naval tradition they will both answer that ships in distress customarily flash their navigation lights in bursts of three flashes until they receive three flashes in return. This could prevent the sub warp vessels opening fire.
Scene Four:
The E’Zin and Mutallan ships will hurl insults back and forth with the Lexington’s crew unable to intervene. The vessels may also lock weapons on each other and vie for a better position for a pre-emptive strike.
One or both vessels may choose to attempt to dock with the Lexington in order to send on boarding parties. (Neither race has transporter technology.) Once docked the boarding parties will storm the ship, each side attempting to seize the bridge and rescue their delegates. Consider each alien crewman to have the equivalent of a phase pistol in their possession.
The arrival of armed troops is a game changer, both Prelate Iska and Deacon Aegon will now be able to force their way to a solution rather than negotiate. They will both call on the troops to rally to the banner of their faith and defend it from the alien invaders be they E’Zin, Mutallan or Starfleet.
Unless the players can persuade them otherwise a fire fight will erupt on board, each hell bent on escaping the ship via the respective docked vessels and taking the artefacts with them. Should the diplomats try to intercede they will be shot at.
About this time the players will notice that the artefacts are both displaying symbols across their surface. Any attempt to remove them from the ship will result in the bulkhead doors being sealed and force fields being erected.
Should the players persuade the delegates to allow them to examine the Re’Kah and The L’Khra they will discover after a Reason+ Science roll against a difficulty of 2 that they are communicating with each other via an unidentifiable energy type and are in fact the source of the ships problems.
If the artefacts are placed together the symbols will briefly quicken then slow to a regular pulse. At this point a holographic figure will be projected from the Re’Kah.
The figure will appear to shift its form rapidly apparently running through a catalogue of races some familiar some not. A Reason+ Science roll of difficulty 1 will identify some of the races as long since extinct. It will eventually settle on a humanoid form of an elderly male dressed in a simple white robe and continue this selection process with a bewildering variety of spoken languages. A Reason+ Science or Communications roll against a difficulty of 1 will recognise some but not all of the languages. Some of which are spoken in an arcane form.
The figure will eventually speak.
“My friends forgive my appearance. I have chosen that which you will find least threatening and a language from your data banks. You may call me Kir as I am merely a representation of him as he passed many years ago. I understand you must have questions. Please ask them and I will answer what I can.”
Scene Five:
Kir is the digital avatar of an Iconian scientist who visited the Galan system over 200,000 years ago.
He will be able to explain the true function of the Re’Kah and the L’Khra. They are of course scientific devices of Iconian origin used for the study of the indigenous race of the Galan system. Within the L’Khra resides terabytes of data on genetic research of the Galan people and the genetic weapon which nearly eradicated them.
Kir will explain that during the height of the Iconian empire, Galan Prime was a trading post. The Iconians often traded with the Galan civilisation despite their simple agrarian lifestyle and lower level of technological sophistication. It was during this time that the outpost was attacked by an enemy of the Iconian empire who dropped a biogenic weapon, poisoning the atmosphere. The effects of which the Iconians were able to protect themselves against but the native Galan civilisation could not.
An Iconian scientist named Kir worked tirelessly to find a solution to the disaster that was threatening the population. His solution was as unusual as it was brilliant. He found a way to rewrite the genetic code of the Galans to render the biogenic weapon ineffective. His solution however had an unexpected side effect, it created two diverse races from the native Galans. The E’Zin and the Mutallan.
Over the centuries both races grew to distrust and despise each other, forgetting their common ancestry. In fact the gifts brought aboard by the delegates date from that time and the “mythical” creatures depicted are actually the original form of the indigenous Galan race.
After the fall of the Iconian Empire their presence faded from into legend, their saviour Kir became the father of both races under different names. The remaining Iconian technology became objects of worship, their true function forgotten.
The Re’Kah continued to carry out a search for another piece of Iconian technology to network with twice a day for thousands of years until coming in range of the L’Khra aboard the Lexington. Once communication was established the newly established Iconian network took steps to assimilate the primitive Federation technology to protect the fledging AI as it re-established itself.
This will be the last straw for Iska and Aegon who will decry this blatant sacrilege order their followers to arms and attempt to foment some kind of uprising amongst the troops present. One or both will arm himself and fire at the artefacts in order to preserve the status quo. It’s at the GMs discretion how many take part. During the fighting both Iska and Aegon will also try and murder the opposing diplomats thus derailing the peace treaty permanently.
Hopefully the players will overcome the zealots either by force of arms or by diplomacy. This moment is an ideal opportunity for a “Kirkesque” impassioned speech should any players wish to ham it up.
The religious leaders will be taken into custody pending a trial on the planet for attempting a religious coup d’état. Given these revelation regarding their true origins the two diplomats will be more than willing to sit around the table once more. No doubt wondering how to break the news to their peoples. Ambassador Byron will of course offer to remain and provide the assistance of the Federation.